
Kiana Parker

The Problem: Seeking Stability Amidst Adversity

Kiana holds the distinction of completing our Job Search Accelerator three times. She came to us in 2015 as a Star of Hope Mission resident. She found a job soon after her commencement and began her new life. But as with so many clients, life happened, and Kiana needed to adjust.   

Along came the COVID-19 pandemic, and unfortunately, Kiana found herself in need of housing again. She returned to Star of Hope in 2020. She seemed to be in an endless cycle of getting low-paying jobs and losing them shortly thereafter. Losing these jobs always led to cyclical homelessness. As a single mother of two small children, she wanted stability for her family.  

“It seems I keep trying to move too fast and end up making bad decisions. I need help,” Kiana said. 

The Solution: Career Coaching

In 2023, Kiana connected with WorkFaith again during another stay at Star of Hope. But the difference this time was that, along with completing the Job Search Accelerator, Kiana decided to take advantage of the coaching services WorkFaith offered. Even though she wanted to secure a job quickly to secure housing, she knew she needed someone with experience to guide her toward a long-term career instead of just obtaining a job to get by.  

Kiana requested assistance with her resume, interviewing practice, interviewing attire, and career planning. She met with her Career Coach, and they discussed her various interests and job experiences. Her barriers included a lack of childcare, employment gaps, housing stability, and training/education. Kiana and her coach began working on her 30-second commercial and brainstormed on viable childcare options. Her coach referred her to Dress for Success Houston for suitable interviewing attire. Kiana thoroughly enjoyed her time there and said it helped her think more positively of herself.  

With years of experience as a Security Guard, Kiana landed a job with a local security firm. Her supervisors love her, and she enjoys the flexibility she has in her current role. She admits that it is not the job she ultimately wants to pursue, but she is strategically using it as the first step to pursue a much better life for her family.   

The Outcome: A Life Transformed

While working this job, Kiana is poised to enroll in the College of Biblical Studies. She feels God is directing her to go into ministry and expressed her gratitude for WorkFaith because she feels she grew in confidence and knowledge at each point of contact. Even though she went through the program three times, she never felt judged; she only felt loved and accepted. The constant encouragement she received helped her feel cared for and empowered. 

Quote: “Through the many negative experiences I’ve faced over the years, I got tired of ending up on the bottom. I turned to God for guidance. He has put a passion in me to work in ministry. I love helping others who are in trouble or in need, and I want to be someone else’s solution.” 

Kiana regularly stays in touch with her coach to discuss her plans for improving her future marketability and to follow a ministerial career path that allows her to actively help others. 

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Work + Faith

WorkFaith Podcast

Description paragraph of the purpose of the podcast and the typical conversation that would be discussed.