After serving an 8.5-year prison sentence for mistakes he made as a teenager, Robert felt defeated. He needed a job, but his criminal background and physical disabilities were getting in the way of employment. He went to a local job search agency. When it was clear they couldn’t help him, Robert was hopeless. Then, someone handed him a flyer for WorkFaith.
They’ll probably turn me down like everyone else, Robert thought. He called the number on the flyer anyway and signed up for our Job Search Accelerator program.
Our Job Search Accelerator taught Robert resume building, interview etiquette, and job readiness skills and techniques, such as proper application prep and terminology and how to explain employment gaps. But the JSA did more than help Robert prepare for employment.
“My [WorkFaith] experience goes beyond having a job. God went after my heart.”
Robert believes God used the WorkFaith staff and his JSA classmates to give him a sense of belonging. After years of beating against closed doors, Robert finally understood his value in the community, in the workforce, and most importantly, in God’s eyes.
“After graduation, I had a newfound family and community,” Robert says.
While continuing to grow in his faith, Robert also grew in his involvement with WorkFaith: he completed our 90-minute career workshop, WorkFaith Academy, finished a WorkFaith partner program, Celebrate Recovery, and put in over 500 hours serving as a WorkFaith volunteer.
These opportunities for service awakened leadership qualities Robert never knew he had. Today, he credits WorkFaith staff, resource partners, and volunteers with changing his life!
“Because of you, I was able to see and experience a true touch of God’s love.”